Memorial and honorary gifts provide a wonderful way to honor the special people in your life by supporting students and programs at St. Bernard's. Memorial gifts allow you to memorialize your loved ones who have passed. Honorary gifts pay tribute to living individuals and are often used to recognize special occasions, such as anniversaries, birthdays, or graduations.
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Fannie Alario |
Linda Anderson |
Evelyn Bourgault Antil |
John Antonioni '87 |
Josie (Ficarra) Arsenault '53 |
Carl A Baker Jr. |
Geraldine (Walsh) Battista |
Joan Ellen Bebick '61 |
Laura and Adrien Beaudoin |
Michael Belliveau |
Vincent Bilotta |
George and Emelia Bourque |
Mark Boudreau |
Coach Walter Carew |
Janice Murphy Carty |
Four Generations of the Casavoy Family |
Mary S. Ciccarello |
Class of 2012 |
Class of 2022 |
Class of 1969 |
Francis P. Colecchi '48 |
Marion (McTighe) Connors '39 |
Paul Constantino |
Mary Jane Cuddahy |
Deceased Sisters of the Presentation |
Deceased Members of the Class of '78 |
Sr. Cecile “Sister Mary Rita” Demazure, PBVM |
Beatrice Desjardins |
The Donlon Twins |
Cenzia Eckert |
Eileen Frerichs |
Albert Hildige Forget '53 |
Elizabeth Fuller |
Edward F. Gagne |
Colby Georges '14 |
Mary Gray '67 and Robert Robillard '67 |
Paulette Grenier and David Grenier |
Josh Grzyb '06 |
John L. Guenette |
Gerard Guilmette '72 |
Kathy and Tom Hamon |
Alexandra Hanlon |
Donna Lee Heinz Hanlon |
Victoria Hanlon |
Edward C. J. Healey |
John Howard |
Patricia (L'Abbe) Jackson '55 |
Keith E Keating |
James Francis Keaveny '57 |
Kelly Ann, Colleen, Kerry Lee and Kathleen |
Elaine M. (Charron) Kielty '56 |
Edward Krysiak '55 |
Helen (Jaksina) Krysiak |
Teofil "Thomas" Krysiak '65 |
Colin '17 & Cali '19 Laakso |
John LaFreniere |
Edward Small and Edward LeBlanc |
Mark Andrew LeBlanc '95 |
Roger Leblanc '60 |
James LeClair |
James T Legere |
Coach Art Lindberg |
Kevin P. Mahoney |
Phil Mahoney |
Judith Malone P'88 |
Jacques Marchetti '79 |
Paul and Denise Marcoulier |
Michele Maxfield |
Maura Walsh McCaffrey '87 |
Anna & Jimmy McCarthy |
Jean Catherine McCarthy |
Barbara McGuirk |
Michael McGuirk '62 |
Edward '55 and Judith '54 McManus |
Marcella (Mineault) McManus '49 |
Frank and Joanie McSherry |
Chloe Miller |
John Mizhir '90 |
Theresa Moriarty and "Jack" John Shea |
Paul '44 & Mary Morin '44 |
Raymond Morin |
John (Jack) Mulcahy '71 |
Sr. Joan Mulcahy, PBVM |
Mary U. Murchie |
Martin F. Murphy |
Our 2021 Graduate |
John C. Pagnotta '76 |
Karen Pelletier '80 |
Sally Pelletier '53 |
Suzanne (Plette) McGuirk '64 |
John Richard |
Jeffrey Rickheit |
Robert Jean Robichaud |
Sr. Mary Virginia Robinson, PBVM |
John and Anne Sarasin |
Teresa A. (Boniface) Saulnier '54 |
Darleen M. (DeLisle) Siegel '89 |
Sisters of the Presentation |
Helen (Francek) Smith |
MaryAnn Smith and Janet McCue |
Walter St. Cyr '38 |
Dorthy Hackett Stack '73 |
Lisa Jean Tucker |
Patrick M Walkovich '07 |
Donna-Lee (Saucier) Withington '65 |
Flo & Al Zarrella Sr. |