This spring, St. Bernard’s welcomed back Joanne (Taitano) Pagnotta, Class of ’78. JoPag comes from a family of Bernardians includes her late husband, John (’76) and daughter Jessica (Couture) Lawrence (’04), siblings Jim Aki (’66) & Mary Lee (Taitano) Gamache (’76), and brothers-in-law Tom, Dave & Jim Pagnotta (’67, ’69 & ’71), Michael Gamache (’78) and many cousins.
While at the school, she participated in many school activities. After graduating from STB, JoPag stayed connected with the school as a coach of Jr. Varsity & Varsity Basketball and Football Cheerleading.
Before her retirement, JoPag was a Director of Human Resources for manufacturing firms. Along with her volunteer work, she enjoys her children, Mark & Jessica (Randy) and her grandchildren, traveling and community events.
JoPag’s favorite quote:
You make a living by what you get.
You make a life by what you give.
~Winston Churchill~